Return to Canarsie
As a result of the racially-motivated firebombing of a real estate office in the mostly white Canarsie neighborhood, which was in the throes of a racial transition to a desegregated community, we went back to Canarsie in August 1991. NYCRC led, in a candlelight nighttime vigil, some 300 interracial marchers.
Neighborhood children and their parents joined our line of marchers, delivering a message that all neighborhoods must be open and free. Michael Meyers declared victory that night, “People of goodwill marched with us in solidarity across racial lines against.
bigotry and hate crimes. By marching together and holding candles, we broke the silence of despair and took a stand for human dignity and interracial living.” Days after our candlelight vigil, a march participant wrote to our executive director in praise of our effort.
“Mr. Meyers: Congratulations on leading a wonderful march in Canarsie last Sunday evening. I was a participant and felt that it worked out very well. It would have been better received if residents . . . hadn’t been exposed to Al Sharpton on Saturday, but they appeared to have gotten your message . . .”